Motorcycle Licence Assessment


1 hour and 15 minutes (one-on-one)


New 2025 dates:Please note, some of these dates may already be full.

13 April 

8 June

29 June

20 July

10 August

17 August

6 September

11 October

12 October

16 November

14 December

 Enrolments close by 4pm on the Thursday prior to the scheduled training date. 

To book a place please attend the closest SWTAFE Customer Service Desk.  If you cannot attend a campus before that time, contact our friendly team on 1300 648 911, to assist you in completing the required paperwork and payment.


Motorcycle Learner Permit

Motorcycle Check Ride

Photo Identification - Motorcycle Learner Permit AND Drivers Licence:

If no Drivers Licence is held at the time of enrolment, proof from VicRoads of your successful completion of a Hazard Perception Test must be provided to our Customer Service Team.


* need to be at least 18 years old

* need to be a Victorian resident

* need to hold an Australian Motorcycle Learner Permit for minimum of 3 months right before you apply, or have held a motorcycle licence issued in Australia, New Zealand or another country within the last 5 years (for another country visit:

* need to be medically fit to drive (if medical conditions need to be assessed by VicRoads, please allow 10 business days from submission of your VicRoads Medical Form to South West TAFE, before your Motorcycle Licence Assessment date).

Check Ride:

You will need to successfully complete a Check Ride at least one month before the date of your Motorcycle Licence Assessment.

It is recommended to undertake the check ride approximately 2-3 months after holding your Motorcycle Learner Permit, although there is no minimum period after you have obtained your Motorcycle Learner Permit that you have to complete your Check Ride.

You are only required to do a single Check Ride but if you want additional training you can do as many Check Rides as you like to prepare for your licence assessment.

You must ride a Registered and Learner Approved Motorcycle Scheme (LAMS) bike during the assessment:

South West TAFE motorcycles are available for hire for the assessment, including sports, cruisers and naked upright bikes. However, it is recommended that you practice and ride on your own registered and LAMS approved bike.

If you wish to ride your own bike for the assessment, please confirm it is registered and LAMS approved prior to enrolment.

Check you registration and LAMS approval on the VicRoads website:

Further information about Learner Approved Motorcycle Scheme (LAMS) bikes is also on the VIcRoads website:

Our Customer Service Officers will also require your LAMS approved motorcycle and registration number.

What You Learn

Overview of changes to requirements and restrictions on the new licence.

What You Get

On and off-road assessmentUse of a hi-visibility vest

To get your Motorcycle Licence, you must pass the following tests:

1. Eyesight test

2. Hazard perception test (not required if you already have a Drivers Licence)

3. Motorcycle licence skills assessment (a practical ride)

Upon successful completion, you will be provided with a VicRoads Licence Receipt, allowing you authorisation (subject to subsequent licence/permit refusal, suspension or cancellation) to operate a Motorcycle (for a period not exceeding 2 months from the date of issue), until your Licence is issued/updated and posted to you by VicRoads.

For further information, please refer to the Vic Roads website:

Materials to Bring

- Motorcycle Learner Permit

Original VicRoads Check Ride receipt (mandatory for Motorcycle Learner Permits issued in Victoria after 2 April 2016)You may bring your own motorcycle (if registered and LAMS approved) however, a range of motorcycles are available for hire.

Dress Code

When riding a motorcycle or scooter, it is crucial that you wear protective clothing to help keep you safe. Protective clothing that keeps out the wind and rain will also make riding a more comfortable and enjoyable experience.

Training PPE Requirements:

* Long sleeves and long pants; no exposed skin.

* Certified approved motorcycle helmet.

* Eye protection while riding; either helmet visor down or protective eyewear.

* High visibility (hi-vis) vest or jacket (supplied by SWTAFE for training use).

* Motorcycle gloves, secured at the wrists.

* Sturdy footwear with fully enclosed toes (no thongs/sandles/slippers etc).

* Rainwear, if necessary



$285 (Includes VicRoads assessment fee and normal Licence Variation fee $32.60)  Full Payment is required at the time of enrolment

* Motorcycle hire is available for $90 extra


On-range (off road) assessment:

* warm up ride, curves and change path

* braking from a point

* controlled stop, left turn and slow ride

On-road assessment:

* move off from a parked position on the side of the road

* approach a turn and accelerate to a safe speed after turning

* turn left at a cross or T intersection

* come to a complete stop at a STOP sign before proceeding when safe to do so

* slow down and give way at a GIVE WAY sign before proceeding when safe to do so

* ride through a roundabout

* ride through a curve

* ride in traffic

Further Information or to book a place; please contact 1300 648 911, visit your local campus or email


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